Wednesday, October 18, 2006

No Boundaries Just Bandwidth

I was over at the CNET News site just a few hours ago and there were mixed feelings about the 'selling' of names, last names in particular. by Linden Lab Last Names in Second Life are Linden generated and although the list is extensive I can see how some people would want to maintain some sort of 'physical' tie to their avatar. Though why would you really?

The 'selling' of names are being considered for corporations or groups of people who have a Second Life presence and would like to maintain their affiliation for 'branding' sake. That's how I see it anyway. So if say JP Morgan Chase Bank signs up in SL then their employees or Chase/SL affiliates would carry the last name of "Chase".

The price of a last name is not cheap. There is an up front cost and a yearly maintenance charge.

I feel lucky to have chosen an SL name that I like a lot. Yet it seems so strange that one would get charged for the use of a last name?

I am starting to see .. or observe rather thru articles and blogs that whatever issues are happening in RL they are now slowing infiltrating themselves in SL. Really, this is a sad. I was looking forward to SL being like that land of paradise where everyone gets along and there are no governments involved. As it is, there's research being done by RL governments looking closely at the economic structure of SL and whether or not people that make money in SL will need to pay taxes! OH for the love of ... !

I think I am going to start an activist campaign in SL to restrict the use of RL mentality that will eventually place boundaries inside our alter life.

The only boundaries I want to have to deal with (although not pleasant) are bandwidths .. and those silly red "cannot access" lines that people in SL place around their land making it harder for flyers to explore!


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