Sunday, March 25, 2007

The SPIRIT Still Lives .. I Do EXIST!

Just because I am dead does not mean that I no longer exist. Nay my friends .. I still do.
Just because you cannot see something does not mean it is not there.
If that were so, Einstien, Newton, Galileo, Columbus (you get my drift) would have all gone to *POO*. *smiles*

So, here I am in spirit.
I am still among you in Second Life *smiles*. I still observe and I still experience the 'Greater Consciousness' of the Universe work it's thread of destiny and learning in Second Life. Of this I am sure.

Of this I am very, very sure.
The connections of profound coincidence are not coincidence at all. SYNCHRONOCITY my loves, GOOGLE that word if you are not sure of its meaning.

I can now say with strong conviction that Second Life is an extension of our Real LIfe and the avatars we use to represent our personas etc... and their decisions and actions CAN be actually meant for the greater learning of what our SOUL has set out to do in this lifetime - umm even if it IS in Second Life.

Do you think that the 'Greater Consciousness" has boundaries and limitations??? I THINK NOT!

That would be silly!

Of course, like time immemorial, man always needs proof of the HOW and WHY and WTF?
I will try my best to cite evidence of this effect by the "Greater Consciousness" in Second Life even if it means divulging details. But, I will NEVER and I repeat .. NEVER mention any one's name. OMG! That would be a nightmare! Then again, I am dead so how can anyone get to me. Ahhh but there is KARMA.

KARMA .. Hmmm.. I will need to talk about that in another entry.

For now, I just want everyone to know that I STILL EXIST in SPIRIT.

That LOVE is alive and well amongst us .. and that we all have heaps and heaps of learning to be done here in thie 3D Platform .. that perhaps we can still do in Real Life, only for some reason, we have been the chosen few .. to continue our learning in a virtual reality.

Hmm, Virtual Reality .. okay, there is another blog entry waiting to happen.



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