Friday, April 20, 2007

An Exercise in STILLNESS

I once read that the word "nothing" really meant "No Thing" - in Zen speak.

No Thing is a state in which you train your mind to be still. To not contain any thoughts, visions - complete silence. Complete empty. Complete stillness.

It is said that when the mind is in this state, one can be prepared to receive the messages of the Universe. And in this stillness one can reside in their own true being - so they say.

I had attempted this practice on a few occassions and something that sounds so simple was indeed almost impossible after the first few attempts. Needless to say, it has been a few years now that I have been practicing this, only on moments when needed - like under extreme conditions of stress.

But what one views as stressful, another may simply smile and know that 'tomorrow is another day'. Hence,despite that fact that not all of us can master the method of a 'still mind', we definitely have the control to choose how we react.

Choosing to react and practicing a 'still mind' is still challenging and takes a strong, dedicated conscious effort to keep at it.

Often, the state of sleep over powers my still mind and I enter the land of dreams.

In the Spirit of things : Ysabel takes over.

I am the new author of A Second Life Consciousness. The decision was a painful one but after weeks of negotiations with the powers that be, it was unanimously decided that I continue the work of our beloved Maxine Montale.

I will try to do my best to cover topics that she wanted focus on. I will also, as much as possible, try to stimulate other tangential questions that can all get us to delve deeper into our concsiousness and explore further the meaning of 'WHY'?

If you have any topics that you may want discussed, please feel free to email me @ or IM me inworld.

Maxine Montale is taking a very long sabbatical from her Second Life and may or may not emerge again. But I can attest that she is here amongst us in spirit and that one does not need to see 'form' in order to be convinced of the TRUTH.

~ Ysabel Isabella

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