Minutes apart ...
I was sitting outside a building and caught this man on a bench in front of me. He made me smile. He reminded me of childhood, of 'happy' and of enjoying life in its most simplest of moments. I continued to watch him until he walked away.
After a short while a lady came and sat on the bench and she too started swinging her legs.
Other people came to sit on this bench but only these two felt compelled to 'swing'.
I suddenly had this thought, "Oh my goodness, they could've been soulmates! They just missed one another by a matter of minutes."
I often wonder what would have happened if Maxine never wandered over to the FBI-SL build and IM'd the director Antonio LeSuere. She would never have met Hank Wade (our SL brother) whom she tried to find a last minute Christmas gift for - a Fim Fischer Watch, on that fateful December 24th night. Maxine would never have thought of teleporting me to Fim's watch store - and Fim and I would never have met.
I do not want to think much about the series of events that lead us to one another. One missing variable may have changed everything. Fim seems to think that we would have met anyway. I would like to believe that. You know, 'synchronocity' and all. But it still leaves me to wonder if 'synchronocity' has an open door with a time limit, just like the saying, 'a window of opportunity'.
Timing seems to be everything in life.
I once read somewhere that if 'timing is everything, and it just didn't happen at the right time, then it was not meant to be."
I still shudder every now and then.
I could not imagine a Second Life without Fim Fischer - the watchmaker.
I cannot imagine my Real Life without the man behind the Fim Fischer avatar.
I suppose then, that 'time' certainly worked out for the both of us. You think it had something to do with Fim being a watchmaker? *smiles*
Oh Ysabel, you sing my soul with this post! I too am in wonder about serendipity in SL/RL. How did i manage to jump into a sim at that perfect moment to quite accidentally meet my mate thru a discussion of tech difficulties on an upgrade night? Would we have met otherwise? not sure... I do agree with Fim that if things are meant to be, the universe will continue to attempt to provide you the doors to walk through. However, it's about choices, ultimately. I do believe that if we choose not to walk through those doors, eventually the universe will re-vector according to your navigation.
All that to say that kismet is the sweetest thing - falling into your true path, listening to your heart and of course taking the chance to enter into what the universe lays before you.
Peace, V.
Oh Violeta .. have we met before in SL? in RL? You so, get me. You do and yes I agree with what you tell me and I suppose that what Fim says does and can hold true. It is just the thought of 'not choosing' to do something - that might lead one to yet another, detour on their Path and then who knows HOW LONG IT WOULD TAKE TO GET BACK ON THE RIGHT TRACK!
These 'Chance' meeting of souls really cannot be "Chance" meetings. For how could they be?!
Please, if you are in Second Life, Please DO IM me so that I know who you are and that we may be able to carry on our talks -perhaps, while sitting on a beach with the sound of the waves as background.
HI Ysabel
I remember you from my first days as an SL blogger. I'm not blogging anymore but I remember how much your feedback meant to me. I felt you really did understand my feelings and didn't think I was crazy :)
I met my soulmate in SL and just a couple of months ago now we came together in RL and are making our lives together and I've never felt such a sense of peace and belonging as I feel with him. I'm glad you have experienced this too!
Love Sorcha
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