Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I Still Exist, Therefore I Am.

Maxine Montale's presence no longer resides in the database of Second Life. There are times when a search for her name under certain circumstances, manages to pull up her profile - and then no more. I call it a glitch in server access. I do not expect that to continue for much longer.

Maxine's alter-ago, Ysabel Isabella still exists.

We spend our time in Second Life on a need to be basis. Much of our time as Maxine's and/or Ysabel's real life person, is spent focusing on trying to get ther Real Life in order.

One day, I need to sit and really document the consequences of my engagement with this virtual world. I would at least like to share my experience because, more than anything, it is a situation that needs to be shared, analyzed and be made aware of. Once I get that started, you will come to realize the journey of the psyche that lead to how Second Life - brought my Real Life to a stand still, need I dare say, "tumbling down".

I decided to pick up on this blog again because I believe that Maxine was on the right track when starting this blog. It has been 3 years now and much of our important findings have gone undocumented. ( A sad thing really).

It is my hope that I am able to somehow pick up and continue my observations of our Real Life self ... as she moved onward - with her journey - post Second Life.

Despite the fact that Maxine no longer exists in Second Life ( until I have the money to pay her deliquent one year Premuim account ), then she will remain a memory.

I hope to resurrect her sometime soon, before Linden Lab's servers manages to delete her complete data.



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